And that's it for Chapter 6! A lot happened this chapter - Rei ended the banquet with high hopes and took part in the experiments where Mage Irka met the Dragon Queen, Hammer seems to finally have realized that Rei's a dragon, and Von and Rei ended up doing... this.
To cleanly summarize this chapter from Mage Irka's perspective:

This drawing has been uploaded to the
Extras page, alongside other fanart and bonus art that was created the last 2 months!
On to news now.
We're going to have an in-between chapter break now, but this one will be a bit different to previous breaks. I unfortunately ran out of a buffer end of December and have been finishing pages only a few days before they go up. This schedule doesn't work well with how I plan and create Vainglorious, and if I keep this up I could easily overwork myself.
So I've decided to take a slightly longer break than usual to help me build up my buffer again. This break will last three weeks - but if all goes well, Chapter 7's cover will go up in the last week of the break.
Here's the dates so you can see everything clearly:
March 11 (today) End Chapter 6; Commence break
April 1 Chapter 7 cover
April 8 Chapter 7 resumes; Updates return every Monday and Thursday;
Thank you for your understanding and I hope once updates resume as normal, I can maintain my buffer and continue to deliver regular updates and chapter breaks!
And as always: Thank you for reading and for commenting! I'm so happy to see old and new readers alike enjoying Vainglorious! Thank you again, and I will see you all next month!
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